PVG College of Education & Research aspires to be a leader in the integration of teaching & learning, advancement of knowledge base through research and use of modern technology. The college intends to be a leader in preparing professionals who provide leadership & exemplary educational & related service to meet the emerging needs and challenges of the society & the nation.
- To Nurture intellectually competent, morally upright, psychologically integrated & socially committed teachers for service in the emerging competitive world of education.
- To develop a new work culture for improving the practice of education through experimentation.
- To achieve and sustain excellence in teacher development through experimentation.
- To inculcate values of the new global scenario such as quality consciousness, eco- friendliness, sustainable development.
- Academic excellence & integrity.
- Outstanding teaching & service.
- Scholarly research & professional leadership.
- Integration of teaching & research.
- Individual & collective excellence.
- Diversity, equity & social justice
- Professional ethics & values based teacher education
- To develop quality consciousness among teachers.
- To create a strong affinity towards the national values such as Unity, Equality, Religious tolerance.
- To reorient teacher education to the needs of modern society.
- To promote educational research.
- To provide education as an instrument for all round development of students.
- To develop competencies such as communication power, technological awareness, spirit of accountability, leadership qualities, abilities of decision making & required professional skills.
- To make the students aware about the issues related to ecology through various activities and make a developing value oriented society by arranging value education programmes . Through the micro teaching sessions & communication skill development classes it will enhance the employability skills.